Windows Docker 安装
win7、win8 系统
win7、win8 等需要利用 docker toolbox 来安装,国内可以使用阿里云的镜像来下载,下载地址:
docker toolbox 是一个工具集,它主要包含以下一些内容:
Docker CLI 客户端,用来运行docker引擎创建镜像和容器 Docker Machine. 可以让你在windows的命令行中运行docker引擎命令 Docker Compose. 用来运行docker-compose命令 Kitematic. 这是Docker的GUI版本 Docker QuickStart shell. 这是一个已经配置好Docker的命令行环境 Oracle VM Virtualbox. 虚拟机
点击 Docker QuickStart 图标来启动 Docker Toolbox 终端。
如果系统显示 User Account Control 窗口来运行 VirtualBox 修改你的电脑,选择 Yes。
$ 符号那你可以输入以下命令来执行。
$ docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally Pulling repository hello-world 91c95931e552: Download complete a8219747be10: Download complete Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest Hello from Docker. This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1. The Docker Engine CLI client contacted the Docker Engine daemon. 2. The Docker Engine daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. (Assuming it was not already locally available.) 3. The Docker Engine daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker Engine daemon streamed that output to the Docker Engine CLI client, which sent it to your terminal. To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bash For more examples and ideas, visit:
Win10 系统
现在 Docker 有专门的 Win10 专业版系统的安装包,需要开启Hyper-V。
开启 Hyper-V
1、安装 Toolbox
最新版 Toolbox 下载地址:
点击 Get Docker Community Edition,并下载 Windows 的版本:
双击下载的 Docker for Windows Installe 安装文件,一路 Next,点击 Finish 完成安装。
安装完成后,Docker 会自动启动。通知栏上会出现个小鲸鱼的图标,这表示 Docker 正在运行。
可以在命令行执行 docker version 来查看版本号,docker run hello-world 来载入测试镜像测试。
如果没启动,你可以在 Windows 搜索 Docker 来启动:
鉴于国内网络问题,后续拉取 Docker 镜像十分缓慢,可以需要配置加速器来解决,我使用的是网易的镜像地址:。
新版的 Docker 使用 /etc/docker/daemon.json(Linux) 或者 %programdata%\docker\config\daemon.json(Windows) 来配置 Daemon。
{ "registry-mirrors": [""] }
VirtualBox 启动模式
有三种 正常启动 无界面启动 分离式启动
一体机 启动了系统 屏幕也就启动了 关闭了屏幕 系统也就关闭了
服务器 启动了 可服务器并没有显示器
要控制机器 要么远程 要么用Vbox那个显示按钮( 在启动的同一位置 无界面启动后 那个按钮就变成显示了)
远程就是 远程控制 显示按钮就相当于 给电脑外接了显示器
台式机 打开电源之后 主机和显示器都启动 可以把显示器关闭(虚拟机操作界面上边有个控制菜单 里边有返回分离式界面 点了这个就相当于关闭显示器了)
正常启动 关了启动界面 虚拟系统就关了
无界面 默认没有前台 虚拟系统在后台跑
分离式启动 启动界面关掉 让虚拟系统在后台跑
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Administrator\.docker\machine\machines\default\ca.pem'docker-machine default
where it seems to be getting stuck (waiting longer than usual) and when I open Virtualbox and look at the preview,
it is already initialized and ready to accept commands but my terminal command is still waiting.
Then when I exit (e.g. Ctrl+C or Cmd+C) this error will show up.
open /Users/yourUsername/.docker/machine/machines/default/ca.pem: no such file or directory
The error could also be Daemon not responding yet: dial tcp : xxx operation timed out
These resolved it for me.
docker-machine regenerate-certs default
docker-machine restart default
I was not using existing/custom certificates and letting docker toolbox create/manage it and willing to loose any information in that virtual/docker-machine.
It should be true for most people but if you use custom certificates or don’t let docker-machine manage it for you, this will not apply to you and you need to find answers elsewhere.
There is also some references that AnyConnect (VPN) + your VirtualBox networking settings could cause it so if these do not work, try turning it off as well.
Then find out more about VirtualBox networking settings.
If you must be in VPN then > you can use this script (while on VPN) – script found here – it will fix routes/rules that gets changed by AnyConnect
docker 安装卡死在 boot2docker.iso 版本一直更新
docker安装需要最新 boot2docker.iso 从docker 网址 < 下载好的文件放 文件夹下 docker\machine\cache